This celebratory and uplifting anthology series has recently been expanded and revised and offers 120 stories and include 85 of my illustrations and personal quotes about women who have had to figure out their life path, even when they couldn’t find mentors to guide them. The stories include girls and women ages 5 to 100 (some may be famous and some you may not know) – who are not only inspirational but have become trendsetters by accident. Whether they were drawn to politics, sports, fashion, entertainment, or helped change the conversation around earning money, health, or spirituality issues, they have been trailblazers in their own right.
The book makes a great gift and the drawings can even be framed! On any given day you can grab your latte, open the book, and turn to your favorite story for a daily dose of inspiration. You do not have to read the stories in order as they are stand-alone but grouped by theme.