Joanie – WOMEN GET SHIT DONE! Notepad


Witty Words. Quirky ART. Wise Wisdom.

As you know, I’ve been doing this for a while – iterating different versions of my art – whether turning them into posters, magnets, t-shirts, or tote bags  – and, as a small business, I try and be practical and figure out what would be functional, affordable and has universal appeal.  If you are anything like me, you like making lists. I’m not a post-it person per se, but I do need to have a way to keep my thoughts in order.

I’ve adapted and curated (27) of my popular designs to give you lots of options to choose from –  whether you are into Fashion, Yoga, Creativity, Sports or, just need a little Snarky Sass to go with your morning latte! I’ve even added a few NEW designs for a Modern, Arty feel. They make great affordable gifts and will be easy to pack and ship. Witty Words. Quirky ART. Wise Wisdom.  Put your pen to paper and see what happens! Please do let me know your favs…

In stock (can be backordered)



These brand New Notepads are the latest spin-off product from my greeting card line.  Taking many of my customer’s favorite designs, I’ve put together a series of notepads with the following themes: Snarky, Positive, Yoga, Fashion, and Sports.

The notepads are individually packaged and have 50 sheets of paper per pad.

Size dimensions are: 3 1/4 (w)  x 8 1/2 (h) x 6/12ths (d).

They are wrapped in a clear, sealed cellophane bag for protection.

If you are looking for a theme, here are the breakdowns and the character’s names:

POSITIVE MESSAGES: ‘Slooky’ & ‘Frannie’ (It’s All Good!), ‘Steph’ (Doing what matters to me today), ‘Suki Oliver’ (Today’s Brimming with Possibilities), ‘Purple Flowers’ (Keep Life Simple), ‘Modern Desk’ (Today’s the day to Create New Possibilities from Scratch), ‘The Magic Vase with Yellow Table’ (Blooming Possibilities), ‘Scooter’ (To-Do List), ‘Fiona’ (Ideas Won’t Wait), ‘Three Yellow Hearts’ (Happy Heart, Happy Life), ‘Beanie’ (Creativity with Attitude), ‘Bonnie’ (Rumi Quote), ‘Sandy’ (Happy Souls Inspire Others to Shine) and ‘Chloe’ (Surrender Your Expectations)

SNARKY MESSAGES: ‘Pirate Ken’ & ‘Kelly Reynolds’ (Life’s Too Short to Spend with Assholes), ‘Joanie’ (Women Get Shit Done!) ‘Harriet’ (Sanity Reminder), ‘Pierre’ (There’s Still Time), ‘Max’ (Living on the Edge of Chaos), ‘Jodi’ (Happy Hour), ‘Bruno’ & ‘Murphy’ (The Curmudgeon is In…), ‘Joey’ & ‘Estelle’ (What the fuck/hell was I thinking?), ‘Hester’ & ‘Austin’ (two different versions of getting shit done) and ‘Bibi’ (Living En Pointe)

YOGA MESSAGES: ‘Chris’, ‘Sullivan’ (Surrender Our Expectations), ‘Buddha Una’ (You think you have time), ‘Satchi’ (Focus. Breathe. Align. Unwind), ‘Isabella’ (Happy Souls Inspire Others to Shine), ‘Ruthie’ (Sometimes Life Sucks…it just Does.)

SPORTS THEMES:  ‘Suzanne’ (Tennis), ‘Libby’ (Female Golf), ‘Oscar’ (Male Golf), ‘Didi’ (Pickleball),
‘Gemma; (Cycling), and ‘Sylvie’ (Runner)

FASHION-THEMED:  ‘Kiki’ (How You Show Up in Life Matters),  ‘Jill’, ‘Jade’ &  ‘Poppi’ (Living Life on Your Own Terms is an Art), ‘Zena’ (Live Your Wisdom), ‘Swoozie’ & ‘Roxie’ (Never Lose Sight of Your Own Magnificence), ‘Kleo’ (“Be Yourself…”(Oscar Wilde), ‘Morgan’ & ‘Jade’ (The Hair, the Shoes & the Outfit)


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